The story begins with Goku, who seeks out upon his adoptive grandfather Grandpa Gohan's dying request to find the great Master Roshi and gather all seven Dragon Balls. Of which he has one, in order to prevent the evil Lord Piccolo from succeeding in his desire to use the Dragon Balls to take over the world. And Goku's quest is to obtain the mystical Dragonballs before Piccolo does. The young warrior Son Goku sets out on a quest, racing against time and the vengeful King Piccolo, to collect a set of seven magical orbs that will grant their wielder unlimited power. Remember how the Dragon Balls work? You gather all 7 of them, and then the Eternal Dragon Shenron appears, and you can make a wish. You got that? Good. Now, hold that thought, because it is the only Dragon Ball-related thing in this entire excuse for a movie.<br/><br/>Before this movie even aired, the Internet Movie Database was already full of negative reviews, so I didn't expect much of it. But even then, I couldn't imagine how bad it would be.<br/><br/>First, I have to say that I am definitely a fan of Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z. It is absolutely a true masterpiece, and it made me love Japanese animations. You'd think that with such a popular show, Hollywood would try to make it even better by adding a 3D-effect to it in a live-action movie. But what they did was exactly the opposite: absolutely NO effort was put into this movie at all! The story and especially the characters are hopelessly westernized and some people might take this as a good thing, but it really does the story no good.<br/><br/>There are barely any similarities to the original series at all. Not even the name is correct. The original series' name was Dragon Ball, but here, they somehow decided to make one word for it. Further, the only things that relate the movie to the source material are the names of the characters and the concept of the Dragon Balls. That's right, only the names are the same, because the personalities are completely different. Bulma is just a trigger-happy rip-off of Lara Croft who falls in love with some hobo (Yamcha), Master Roshi isn't old at all and he lives in some apartment in the middle of a city, Mai is suddenly a henchman of Piccolo instead of Pilaf, and Piccolo is a lame enemy you'd expect in a Cartoon Network TV-series like Ben 10. But absolutely the worst example is Goku himself, the protagonist. At first, I didn't even know it was him! Where they high when they chose Justin Chatwin to be him (no offense, he was fine in War of the Worlds)? <br/><br/>Oh, and Krillin? He didn't even appear.<br/><br/>The most important thing this movie lacks is RESPECT. This movie is really disrespectful. Seriously, I couldn't imagine what they were thinking when they made this movie. I wouldn't be surprised if James Wong made this movie just to make the entire series look stupid. It's like they put the original plot in their mouth, chewed it for a minute, swallowed and then threw it up. The result: I wouldn't even call it a Dragon Ball movie. It's rather a pathetic fusion of High School Musical and The Incredible Hulk. I can describe this movie in one simple word: DISGUSTING! This movie is just an insult to Akira Toriyama and DB and DBZ fans all around the globe. This movie didn't make me sad, it made me angry. <br/><br/>I have started an IMDb account just to post this review. Hopefully, that says enough. This is probably one of my personal most anticipated films of all time. Though I was really excited for it, I didn't have very high hopes of it being decent. Hollywood has this nasty habit of destroying decent mangas/novels/video games. <br/><br/>So going in my initial thoughts were, "Oh man, this is gonna blow."<br/><br/>It didn't completely blow.<br/><br/>The things that really irritated me was Oozaru wasn't gigantic, krillin was absent, master roshi (though he did an AMAZING job capturing the "spirit" of master roshi) didn't really look like him/ where were the sunglasses and longass beard? And Yamcha looked like an idiot.<br/><br/>Apart from obvious storyline flaws and the whole Goku and Chichi going to school thing, I thought it was fairly good. The film is crammed with treats for old-school "Dragonball" fans, from the inclusion of all these characters (who don't actually do much) to the moment when spiky-haired Goku dons his orange gi. For everyone else, this amounts to another seen-it-before, probably-willing-to-see-it-again distraction. As for the movie, most are unsure if it is in our world or the "dragonball" world; though most have acquiesced to the latter of the two. Actually the production team tried making Bulma's hair turquoise, but Director James Wong thought it was unrealistic, so they put it out. But a blue streak on Bulma's hair can still be seen. Yes, after the "animated" credits there is a brief scene. a5c7b9f00b Interference full movie in hindi free download hd 1080pDownload the Hero full movie tamil dubbed in torrentAquaman full movie in hindi 720pThe Lightning Express in hindi download free in torrentthe Black Gold full movie download in hindiLet Me Make You a Martyr full movie in hindi free download mp4the Keeping Up with the Joneses downloadDef Jam: Icon movie in hindi free downloadThe 6th Day dubbed hindi movie free download torrentStar Trek: Voyager in tamil pdf download
Dalmphil replied
337 weeks ago